A Helping Hand Today

. . . Independence Tomorrow

Moving Announcement

Our new address is:

221 – 4th Avenue SE
Medicine Hat, AB
T1A 0H1

Saamis Immigration Services Association is pleased to announce that our organization has moved to a new location in downtown Medicine Hat. Our old office served us well, and we made great memories there, but we couldn’t be more excited about our new space.

We look at this new location as the start of another chapter in our history. We’re still working on getting settled in and adding artwork to the walls, but we’re extremely thrilled to be in the new space. We will be hosting a grand opening eventually, however, for the meantime if you’re in the area, feel free to stop by and say hi!

We would like to give special thanks to IRCC, our funders for supporting us in this moving process. Our Thanks also goes to few other people who helped us along the way and made this move possible: our Realtor Jen Boyle, landlords Kidae and Deoki Kim, Pharaoh Engineering, Checkers Moving, Keyway, ProComm and Corporate Business Equipment Ltd.

Special Thank you to our previous landlords Bob and Linda Cooke, and Sandra Beckner and Luciano Pizzingrilli, as well as their Realtors Shauneen Vanderham and Rod Wilson for their support over the last 10+ years.  

Last but not the least, our heartfelt Thank You goes to our dedicated staff for their hard work, patience and cooperation during the moving process and to our Board for their support and sound advices along the way.